

New Design Feedback!

This Thread is for any suggestions, questions, and feedback concerning PhotoZou's new design. We welcome and appreciate all feedback.
2006年11月1日 12:25 PhotoZou (4)
  • Dfusz
    Photozou is better than Blogger. Blogger is for people who don't know anything about web design.

    Photozou has a wonderful community of people!

    I really like Photozou.

    2006年12月8日 11:02 Dfusz (23)
  • Dfusz
    Would it be possible in this BEST photo ablum on the Internet, to instruct people on how to register their phone number.

    My phone camera can't email Photozou for some reason. It's "registered" but my phone received a "not registered" email.

    Also, would there be a way to automatically translate the "link" words, the keywords?

    That would be fun!

    2006年12月17日 14:08 Dfusz (23)